United Parish of Upton
The members of the United Parish of Upton (UCC/UMC), believe all people are created in God’s image and that Jesus commanded us to “love one another as I have loved you” (John 15:12). We affirm that each individual is a child of God and that together we are called to become one body with many members and many different gifts.
As an Open and Affirming/Reconciling congregation, we embrace and welcome persons of every age, race, ethnicity, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, marital status, family structure, physical or mental ability or disability, educational background or socio-economic status into the full life of the church. We invite all to find a spiritual home in the United Parish of Upton and to share in the leadership, ministry, fellowship, worship, sacraments, responsibilities, and blessings of participation in our congregation.
The Latest...
Ash Wednesday Service - March 5 at 7:30pm in the church sanctuary
The Season of Lent begins. Join us for a contemplative service with prayer, reflection and the imposition of ashes. All are welcome!
UPU has called Pastor Emily Carle
as our next settled minister
The Community Supper Team is delighted to welcome Cub Scout Pack 1 from Mendon/Upton to serve our patrons.
The scouts help set up, serve dinner and dessert and clear tables. Adding a multi-generational aspect to our program enriches us all.
Sunday Morning Worship
...where heart, soul, and body meet...
on the Upton Town Common
Sunday Service at 9:30am
In-person and livestream